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NETPIX® 4800


The NPX 4800 provides multiple analog and digital video and graphic connectivity with input cards. Through the new Switch Fabric architecture, video and graphic sources can be displayed simultaneously on the display wall in full frame rates. All analog and digital Video-/RGB-/DVI- and IP Streaming data is transmitted with up to 100GByte/s without any dependencies on the system

Advantages of the New NPX4800 Series

) Cost efficient controller solution for large screen systems
) Less power consumption
) Simple system architecture
) Expandable for future system upgrades
) Higher performance
) Even more flexible than previous netpix versions
) Almost no restrictions
) Reduced noise level

System Architecture

The new NPX Controllers from the 4800 Series are based on the new Intel® XEON® Quad Core Technology CPUs. This new CPU generation provides better performance for the display of high-end visualisation applications compared to other systems. ) QUAD CORE Intel Xeon Processor with up to 3.3 GHz (optional up to 12 cores)
) High-end server components for highest availability
) PCI-Express X8 Bus up to 2GB/s
) 4GB DDR3 ECC RAM (expandable up to 32GB)
) DUAL Gigabit Ethernet

System Availability

) Redundant power supply units, hot swappable (optional)
) Redundant SATA hard drives with RAID1, hot swappable (optional)
) Disk Imaging and Disaster Recovery, in the event of a system or disk crash, security attack or other fatal failure you can restore your entire controller within minutes - no reinstallation is required.
) The NPX 4800 is built in accordance with eyevis ISO 9001 registered facility to meet the specific requirements of each customer and is the best controller for standard control rooms with high availability.

Desktop Management & Operating system

) Because of its MultiScreen-ability, any data and application can be displayed simultaneously; they can also be positioned and resized freely. The operator has a big desktop with a very high resolution at his disposal, which will be multiplied by the size of the wall.
) Windows® XP PRO 32/64 BIT and WIN2003+2008 Server support as well Windows 7 32/64Bit
) Up to 32GB RAM inside the systems reserved for RAM intensive applications
) Huge Windows desktop with up to 32000x32000 pixel depending on the size of the system
) Standard Windows® & X11 applications and SCADA software can be displayed on the wall with no restriction.
) Windows®-based applications can be displayed simultaneously with any other input signals like video and RGB/DVI.

Bus System

The core of the system is the ultra-fast PCIe Switch Fabric with PCIe X8 slots and a total bandwidth of 100GB/s for transmitting Windows® information, network data, video, digital streams and graphic signals to each output card. This guarantees a very high bandwidth without decreasing frame rates when numerous inputs are displayed simultaneously

Input Signal Processing

The NPX4800 controller can be equipped with various input cards for video and graphic integration. Analog/digital video and RGB windows can be moved, scaled and placed freely on the display wall.
) The input cards provide state-of-the-art video processing resulting in superb quality
) Huge number of cards per system possible
) Easy to upgrade for future system expansion

Analog Video Input Board
) Up to 128 video signals in one system
) Up to 32 video windows can be displayed with every display output
) Composite BNC or S-Video (Y/C)

IP Decoder Board
) Up to 128 IP video signals in one system
) Simultaneous decoding of up to 8 channels in D1 resolution per IP-decoder board
) Simultaneous decoding of up to 4 channels in FullHD resolution per IP-decoder board
) Supports MPEG2, MPEG4, H264, MJPEG

RGB / DVI Inputs
) Display of the source output in freely moveable, scalable and placeable windows on the display wall
) Up to 40 RGB/DVI input sources
) Input Signals:     - DVI Single Link up to 1920x1200
                                - DVI Dual Link up to 2560x1600
                                - Analog up to 2048x1536

SDI Inputs
) Display of the source output in freely moveable, scalable and placeable windows on the display wall
) Up to 20 SDI inputs
) Video Modes: SD-SDI (480i/576i), HD-SDI (up to 1080i), 3G-SDI (up to 1080p) & 2k digital cinema modes

Output Graphics Processing

The new 128Bit GPU has 128MB per output channel achieves a never seen graphic performance.
) Analog and digital outputs up to 1920x1200 pixels and HD Format
) Configurations up to 36 Output channels (up to 80 Output channels on request*)
) Multiple resolution modes for different output resolutions at the same time, for rectangle or non-rectangle display configurations (non-standard modes, available on request)
) Live preview support for each source connected with the eyecon wall management software
) Underlapping mode for narrow bezel displays
) Overlapping mode for edge overlapping projections
) Pivot mode for landscape and portrait display*

Wall Management Software

For an easy management of large screen displays, we recommend to combine the eyecon wall management software with the netpix controller. With this software, especially developed for large screen displays, the user has nearly unlimited possibilities for the management and operation of his display wall.


NPX4800-CPU (Izdelek št. 13981)
Procesor: Vse do dveh Intel® 64-bit XEON® procesorjev
Quad Core Intel® Xeon® procesor E5606 z 2.13 GHz (možnost do 12 jeder z 3.3 GHz)
Čipi: Čipi Dual Intel® 5520 (Tylersburg)
RAM: 4GB DDR3 ECC RAM (razširljiv do 32GB)
Razširitvene reže: 7 x PCIexpress X8
Trdi disk: SATA 3.0Gbps, HotSwap 120GB SSD, (po želji: 120 GB, RAID1 HotSwap, možnost razširitve vse do 1 TB)
Diskovni pogon: Hitrost branja: DVD: največ 16x  / CD: največ 48x
Hitrost pisanja: DVD-R: 24x  / DVD+R: 24x  / DVD-RW: 6x  / DVD+RW: 8x  / DVD-R DL: 12x  / DVD+R9: 12x  / CD-R: 48x  / CD-RW: 32x 
Ethernet: 2 x 10/100/1000 Mbps RJ45 integrirani vhodi
Dodatki: tipkovnica s 104 tipkami; miška z 2 gumboma + koleščkom, izbirno: razširitev do 50m; DVI kabli za eyevis projekcijske kocke (optična vlakna) za razdalje do 100m
Dimenzije (WxHxD): 42.35 cm x 17.7 cm x 67.0 cm
Teža: 26.5 kg
Delovni pogoji: Temperatura: 0°C – 40°C (32°F – 104°F) / Vlažnost: 10 – 90% brez kondenzacije / Višina: do 3,048 m (10,000 ft)
Napajanje: 100-240 V, 50-60Hz, 800 Watt, izbirno: redundanten, HotSwap
Razširljivost strojne opreme NPX4800-EXP (Izdelek št. 14005)
Razširitvene reže: 9 x PCIexpress X8 rež (do 32 rež z dodatnimi razširitvami)
BUS: Komutacijsko polje z maksimalno široko pasovno povezavo 100GB/s
Dimenzije (WxHxD): 43.0 cm x 17.7 cm x 52.3 cm
Teža: 26.5 kg
Delovni pogoji: Temperatura: 0°C – 40°C (32°F – 104°F) / Vlažnost: 10 – 90% brez kondenzacije / Višina: do 3,048 m (10,000 ft)
Napajanje: 100-240 V, 50-60Hz, redundanten, HotSwap 620 Watt
Grafična plošča NPX4800-GB4 (Izdelek št. 13986)
Grafični pomnilnik: 512MB na ploščo
Stenska konfiguracija: Vsak pravokoten ali nepravokoten niz zaslonov do 36 zaslonskih modulov
Resolucija: 640x480 do 1920x1200 in HDTV 1080p na izhod
Barvna globina: 16/32 Bit
Izhodni signal: DVI-I konektor (analogni in digitalni, vključujoč DVI-I-to-HD15 adapter)
Video vhodna kartica NP4800-VID8 (Izdelek št.13983)
Vhodi: 8 x kompozitni ali S-Video BNC konektorji
Vhodni format: NTSC, PAL, SECAM
Dekoder: Visoko kakovostni Video Decoder z razpletanjem
Spreminjanje velikosti & Zaslon: Zaslon z več video viri v katerikoli velikosti, povsod na video zidu. Nadzor barve, svetlosti, kontrasta.
DVI vhodna kartica NPX4800-DVI2 (Izdelek št. 16373) 
Vhodi: 2 x DVI-I / HD15
Obdelava signalov: RGB/DVI s popolno osvežitvijo; integriran pretvornik velikosti
Format: RGB z ločenimi sinhronizatorji za H in V, DVI-I
Ločljivost: Do 1920x1200 pikslov
Velikost slikovnih pik: 16Bit/32Bit, YUV422, RGB 8:8:8
Spreminjanje velikosti & Zaslon: Zaslon z več video viri v katerikoli velikosti, povsod na video zidu.
DVI vhodna kartica NPX4800-DDVI1 (Izdelek št. 16329)
Vhodi: 1 x DVI-I Dual Link / HD15
Obdelava signalov: RGB/DVI s popolno osvežitvijo; integriran pretvornik velikosti
Format: RGB z ločenimi sinhronizatorji za H in V, DVI-I
Ločljivost: Do 2560x1600 Pikslov
Velikost slikovnih pik: 16Bit/32Bit, YUV422, RGB 8:8:8
Spreminjanje velikosti & Zaslon: Zaslon z več video viri v katerikoli velikosti, povsod na video zidu.
Video vhodna kartica NPX4800-SDI2 (Izdelek št. 16242)
Vhodi: 2 x SDI BNC konektorji z Loop-Through možnostjo
Video načini: SD-SDI (480i/576i), HD-SDI (do 1080i), 3G-SDI (do 1080p), 2k Digital Cinema Mode
Velikost slikovnih pik: RGB: 5-5-5, 5-6-5 or 8-8-8 (24bit/32bit) pikslov
Največja bitna hitrost za SDI: 64MB na kanal (skupaj 128M)
Spreminjanje velikosti & Zaslon: Zaslon z več video viri v katerikoli velikosti, povsod na video zidu. Nadzor barve, svetlosti, kontrasta.
Kartica za dekodiranje IP videov NPX4800-IPD8 (Izdelek št. 14148)
Dekoderji: 8x D1 dekoder ali 2x HD 1080p dekoder
LAN: 10/100/1000 Mbps RJ45 integrirani vhodi
Velikost: H264, MPEG2, MPEG4, MJPEG
Ločljivost: Do D1, 720p, 1080p, Megapikslov
Hitrost slikanja: 25/30 slik na kanal
Dimenzije (WxHxD): 44.5 x 4.4 x 26.4 cm (vsebujoč ročaje nosilca)
Teža: 4.05 kg